Teenage Disciples

The Student Ministry at Beallwood Baptist Church exists to bring students in Grades 7-12 to maturity in Christ Jesus by teaching the Gospel of Salvation by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone.
We hesitate to use the word "youth" because:
- The Bible does not have a category for "youth" or "teenagers." There are children and adults.
- We challenge our students to be teenage disciples - focusing on Jesus rather than age.
- We want our students to be fully-functioning and integrated within the life of the church.
We desire that our graduating seniors be:
- Internally Grounded - in the Bible and in the Church;
- Externally Intentional - in relationships and activities;
- Eternally Minded - living for the Glory of God, and not the fleeting glory of self.
How do we seek to do this?
- We have weekly events designed for teaching, training, and equipping.
- We have fellowship events designed to build relationships and encourage intentional focus and eternal mindsets. And, we have fun.
- We have big trips, retreats, and mission projects to build internal grounding in the Bible and involvement in the church body.